Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wall-e Day 4

Today was really exciting, Eva had brought the plant to the captain of the space ship. The captain pressed a button that made a movie play, the movie told us that we can now return to earth because there is life now. Then when they opened Eva the plant was gone. She was sent in for repair and I was sent for cleaning. When we were there I saw them torturing her, i made them stop though. The only problem was I accidentally let all the crazy robots out. This was bad, they all ran away with me. Eva saved me from being caught though, she took me to a small rocket. She was telling me to go back to earth but I didn't. We saw the little security robot put the plant on the rocket though so I went in to get it. When I was in the rocket took off, I was stuck in it. Just after take off the rocket was going to self destruct with me in it. I took the plant and a fire extinguisher and jumped out in time. Eva had come to get me and we flew around a bit, then we went back to the big rocket ship. Then Eva said that she had to bring the plant back to the captain. When Eva went she told me to stay behind, I decided that I was going to go up with her. When I was at the top the plant fell on me so I brought it up. The captains assistant attacked me for no reason and let me fall down the garbage.

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